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Whiteside Online Bookings!

Please note – If you are making/editing or cancelling a booking with a pickup/drop off over 20 miles away from our base then please give 48 hours notice. Do not cancel long-distance journeys within 36 hours’ notice as these are pre-allocated. Contact the call centre directly to cancel. We cannot honour ‘long distance’ bookings made within this time period online. Please telephone us on 01253 711611/0800 711611 instead. People carriers and minibuses are subject to availability. When we cannot accommodate your multi person vehicle request, we will send 2 cars instead. You can now pay by debit or credit card on Web Booker. Simply add your card details and select it as your payment choice for your online booking.

Save up to £5 per airport journey when booking online – click, book & save!

Once you have landed at Manchester Airport, collected your luggage and are ready to be collected, please call us on 01253 711611. You will be given the option of pressing ‘1’ to speak to the driver, or ‘0’ to speak to our Call Centre. Either is fine, however, it is probably more efficient to speak directly with your driver. We will then direct you to the meeting point near the terminal exit (please find the locations below). Our driver will then enter the airport, park up and meet you at the meeting point and assist you with your luggage back to their vehicle.
For outbound journeys we recommend allowing up to 2 hours travel time to Manchester and Liverpool Airports in case there is heavy traffic or any unforeseen circumstances
Meeting Points

Terminal 1 ~ WH Smiths
Terminal 2 ~ Bureau de Change
Terminal 3 ~ Bureau de Change

Thank you for travelling with Whiteside Taxis

Adding an extra pick up to your booking? Call us first for the very best price, we’ll still honour the online savings!

To ensure you are allocated the correct size vehicle, please add the number of passengers and amount of luggage in the driver note section

Fast and easy way to book
Manage bookings
Track your taxi
Emailed confirmation and receipts
Save money and book online
thomas image

Download The Booking App

Download our booking app, set up your details, book a Whiteside taxi, and track your Blackpool Taxi!

You can pay by debit or credit card and cancel your booking through the app.

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